Round 4 was a single day event. All of the excitement, the highs and lows, and the suspense that would normally be draped across the course of a weekend was now jammed into <10 hour window. Although not optimum for drivers, spectators witnessed the emotional peaks and valleys inherent to racing at a magnitude atypical from longer events.
Blazing temperatures scorched the Mojave desert, leaving Big Willow thoroughly heat soaked prior to the first time attack session. Several cars went off track at, or nearby, Omega. Karla Pestotnik of Karla Pestotnik Racing also had an incident during the first time session. Fortunately, Karla was safe and had incredible split-second decision making skills that allowed her to make the best of a tricky situation. A detailed recap of this occurrence can be found here.
Luckily, despite several off-road excursions, all participants were safe. Many cars took beatings during this event, and at times, seemed to be rebelling against the racing abuse. Jason Sharek’s roof actually flew off due to the extreme winds. Here’s a shot of his car:
Our very own Rob Campbell’s splitter decided it no longer wanted to be apart of the racing shenanigans, and ended up detaching. The face that only the car struggle can cause…
Check out our gallery to see if we captured any of your exciting moments! Tag Attack the Track and Jager Racing in your pics!